If your home or office has spots where your Wi-Fi connection is weak, a D-Link extender can strengthen that signal and cover more area. But for safety, you should change the wireless security password for your D-Link range extender every so often. In this article, we’ll explain how to change the wireless security password on my D-Link Extender.
1. Join the network of the extender
Connecting to the D-Link extender’s network is the first move. Access the extender’s wireless network from your PC or mobile device. The SSID of the extender is normally the name of your router’s network, plus “_EXT.” Using the preceding example, if the network name of your router is “MyHomeNetwork,” the network name of the extender will be “MyHomeNetwork EXT.”
2. Go to the extender’s settings page
Launch a web browser and type “http://dlinkap.local” to access the extender’s configuration page once you’ve joined the network it provides. If it doesn’t work, try entering “” as the IP address. When you press the Enter key, the D-Link extender’s setup screen will load.
3. Go to the Settings page and sign in
The next thing to do is to visit the D-Link extender‘s configuration page. A username and password are required to access the extension. The admin user name and password are both empty by default. If you have changed your password recently, use the new one here.
4. Choose Wireless Security Options
Upon logging in, the D-Link range extender setup page will be displayed. Depending on your extender model, you may need to go to the “Wireless Options” or “Wireless Security” menu option. To adjust the wifi security settings, click on it.
5. Update the Wireless Network’s Password
You’ll need to enter your wireless security passphrase or password into a space labelled “Password” or “Passphrase.” To change your password, type it in here. Passwords should be strong and difficult to guess; therefore, use a combination of alphabetic characters, numeric digits, and unusual characters. The minimum required length is 8 characters. Passwords should not contain any information that could be used to identify the user, such as their name, address, or date of birth.
6. Save your changes
Make sure you save the changes after altering the password. The “Save” or “Apply” button will appear at the bottom of the screen; click it. Do not interrupt the D-Link range extender‘s saving and restarting processes. All currently connected devices will require the new password after the extender has resumed.
In conclusion, if you want to keep your network safe, you need to change the wireless security password on your D-Link extender. In just a few minutes, you can change the password by following the instructions on this page. Choose a secure password, and don’t make it something obvious like your name or your pet’s name. Keeping your extender’s firmware up-to-date with the newest security patches is also highly advised.