How can I reset Netgear cable modem or modem router?


In today’s digitally connected world, having a reliable internet connection is crucial for both work and leisure. However, there are times when your Netgear cable modem or modem router might encounter issues that require a reset to get things back on track. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to reset your Netgear device effectively, ensuring a seamless internet experience.

Steps to Reset Netgear Cable Modem or Modem Router:

  1. Locate the Reset Button: The reset button on your Netgear device is typically small and recessed to prevent accidental resets. You can usually find it on the back or underneath the device.
  2. Prepare for Reset: Before pressing the reset button, ensure that your modem or modem router is powered on. You may need to use a pen or paperclip to press and hold the reset button for the next step.
  3. Perform the Reset: Press and hold down the reset button for about 10 to 15 seconds. You may notice the device’s lights flashing during this process, indicating that the reset is in progress.
  4. Release the Reset Button: Let go of the reset button after holding it for the specified time. Your Netgear device will then reboot, restoring it to its factory default settings.
  5. Reconfigure Your Device: Once the reset is complete, you’ll need to reconfigure your Netgear device. This includes setting up your Wi-Fi network name and password, as well as any other custom settings you had previously configured.

Read More: How can I Reset Netgear router to its factory settings?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What happens if I restart my Netgear router?

Restarting your router can fix many internet issues like slow speed or connection problems. To restart it properly, unplug the power cable for one minute, then plug it back in.

Why isn’t my Netgear router working?

If you can’t connect to your Netgear router, it might have a weak signal or need an update. Also, check if it’s correctly plugged in.

What to do if a factory reset doesn’t work?

If your Netgear router doesn’t reset, you might not have held the reset button long enough. Try holding it for 15-30 seconds. If it still doesn’t work, unplug the power cable for a minute, plug it back in, and try resetting again.

How to change the password on a Netgear router?

While connected to your Netgear router, go to, and log in using “admin” for both username and password. Then, go to Advanced > Administration > Set Password to create a new password.”

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